If you have much, give of your wealth, if you have little, give of your heart. ~ Arabic Proverb

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

First and foremost, a whole-hearted thank you to everyone who gave.  Every single cent is going directly to those in desperate need and will make a difference you cannot even fathom.  Thank You. 

The excursion to deliver donations of food and supplies is scheduled towards the end of this month and if anyone is still interested in giving a little by way of monetary support or actual items, it's not too late!  We will keep everyone up to date on the distribution of your immensely generous and kind gifts. 

The UN OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs) reports that health and hygiene remain the most pressing concern, particularly in spontaneous camps established in remote areas.  Pediatric malnutrition is of increasing concern along with acute diarrhea, acute respiratory diseases, skin diseases and malaria.  An estimated 15% of those affected are children under the age of five and around 8% are pregnant or new mothers, both categories of which require urgent support for their specific nutrition needs.  As of September 17, there are 3,180 vacated schools being used to shelter over 957,441 people.  At present, 1.2 million households have not received emergency shelter materials. 

The extent of the damage and the daunting process of recovery can seem overwhelming but remember it really takes so very little to help...  

One man standing is always alone, but two are equivalent to eleven. - Pakistani proverb

Again, THANK YOU, to everyone who has made just one person feel less alone and powerfully supported. 

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